Prodigious Python

Prodigious Python#

Prodigious Python cover

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Welcome to Prodigious Python 🐍

Idea of Prodigious Python is to be different from the traditional books.

We wanted Prodigious Python to be:

  • Fun πŸŽ‰

  • Executable πŸ€–

  • Publishable via static web pages and PDF βš™οΈ

Development setup#

First things first, We need to clone our repo

git clone

We use Poetry for the dependency mangement.

Let’s install the packages required using the below command:

poetry install

To run the jupyter-lab:

poetry run jupyter-lab

To convert the notebooks to html

poetry run jb build .

To convert the notebooks to pdf

poetry run jb build --builder=pdfhtml .

The generated files would be present in _build folder.

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